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Licensed Affiliate of Davis Dyslexia Association International

Empowering Those
Who Learn Differently
Dyslexia – Dyspraxia – Maths – Attention Focus – Autism

Final Field Assignments
Time is TBD
|Location is TBD
For Pod-level Davis Dyslexia Trainees who have received a Specialist recommendation to enrol in the Final Field Assignments.

Time & Location
Time is TBD
Location is TBD
About the Event
Conditions of Enrolment
I understand and agree that:
- I may provide two Programs prior to completing all my Training Pod Weeks, but at least two of the required four Programmes must be provided after completing all three Pod Weeks.
- The Final Field Assignments are still part of my training, and technical consultations with a Davis Specialist are available during this phase of training.
- I will not promote or advertise paid services using any of the Davis Trademarks until my Final Field Assignments are finished and I am duly licensed by DDAI.
- I will complete and submit my four case reports within four months of completing my final Training Pod Week, unless my training DDA has agreed an extension in writing. Otherwise, I will re-attend a Basic Practice Meeting at my own expense.
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